How to start it right — 13 questions that will help knowing what job you really want

3 min readNov 25, 2020


Do you know this anxious feeling..that hits you in the middle of the day.. out of nowhere ..where you think about your future and all you see is a blank space ? Or do you already know that you want to become a graphic designer or something else, but you are not exactly sure how?

Let me guess, you wouldn’t be here if you don’t have any sort of struggles, when it comes to finding a job. Whatever it is, you’re not the only one having no idea what is actually going on. It’s 2020, you’re excused.

Let me introduce you to Timothy Template. A guy that makes you feel probably better about yourself. Because he…he really doesn’t have a clue. But let me tell you with the right mindset, motivation & tools, even Timothy will find a job.

Let’s take a look at the journey of Timothy Template:

Timothy loves Lady Gaga and because of that he wants to work in the music industry. But that’s the only thing he knows.

So starting off from almost zero, we will follow Timothy through his journey of getting a job, so you can learn from his mistakes .

Timothy is instantly looking for jobs in the music industry without actually knowing what kind of job he’s looking for. Timothy read through many job descriptions but actually still doesn’t know what he is looking for concretely.

So Timothy.. Here is what you should do..

Start from scratch and not look directly into jobs. But instead, take a closer look at yourself first, to know what you actually expect from your future job.

A quick brainstorm session with the right questions will help you to get to know yourself better. Based on this it will be a lot easier for you to identify what you can expect from your dream job.

10 questions to start with

  1. What kind of person are you ?
  2. What are your values in life?
  3. What are Your motivations and things you like ?
  4. What are your strengths & weaknesses?
  5. What are accomplishments you are truly proud of ?
  6. How do friends and family perceive you (ask them!)
  7. Who do you aspire and why ?
  8. What do you do in your free time driven by internal motivation?
  9. What do you absolutely hate doing?
  10. How hard are you willing to work for things you want in your life?

Tip: personality tests like, are freely available on the internet, that can help to formulate a more objective opinion about yourself. We are the hardest judges of ourselves, so it’s difficult to be honest and reflective to ourselves sometimes.

If you had fun finding out more about yourself by answering those questions, I got some more for you:

  1. Are you looking for security and financial stability ? or is flexibility and spontaneity more important ?
  2. Do you prefer diversified tasks or do you want a proper routine?
  3. What are your own no goes and red flags?

Take some time to think about those questions and try to imagine yourself in different scenarios. Which one would make you happier than others? This makes it easier to answer.

That should keep Timothy busy for now.

Next, he can start diving deeper into the job search, as Timothy built a solid foundation. We will see how this goes and which problems he is confronted with this time.

So if you want to know how Timothy (and You) find the job that best suits your personality, swing by for tomorrow’s post.




Go and get that job you deserve - if you dont know how to start off or simply get lost along the way - Timothy Template got your bag